Aesthetic Prosthetic Ceramic & Implant Design:

Truly spectacular restorative outcomes can only be achieved with an appreciation for the soft tissues and an understanding and knowledge of all ceramic systems. Learn the difference and how to best use and prescribe Emax, Zirconia, PFM, monolithic vs layered to better aid material selection and lab prescription for both tooth based crown, onlays and implant based restorations. Aesthetic Prosthetic will help you understand the prosthetic design elements and features of implants as a restorative dentist and train you to plan, design and restore any type of case restorative case with style.

15c Ridge Preservation:

This under utilised yet highly valuable skill forms the foundations to help maintain gingival and alveolar architecture. From the general to the implant dentist, 15c will provide you with a predictable and simplified approach to ensure you can cultivate the ideal conditions for future implant or bridge placement for your patients. Learn surgical tips to improve your extraction and suturing techniques. Become confident in socket debridement and cleansing. Understand and see the different biomaterials available & the advantages and disadvantages of each. Practice how to use all of these skills to neatly and confidently perform ridge preservation in practice.

Book BOTH & SAVE £90

With our back to back 2 day event!

15c Preserve - Aesthetic Prosthetic
from £795.00

Inc: Hands on Course + Hardback Textbook

Citizen M Tower Bridge

40 Trinity Square



020 3519 4830

Arrival: 8.30am | Finish: 5.30pm

Optional social drinks & case discussion till late

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Pro Courses | Concepts that Connect 

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